The Curzon

Residential development
Including Retail use

306-310 Ormeau Road, BT7 2GE

About The Curzon

The Curzon is a five storey residential building comprising 61 no. apartments (56 no. 2 bedroom and 5 no1. bedroom) over basement and ground floor parking and currently 3 no. ground floor commercial units.

The Curzon apartments were constructed on the former site of the Curzon Cinema on the Ormeau Road, Belfast. The Curzon cinema was a 1930s cinema designed by John McBride Neill and opened on Saturday December 12th 1936. The Curzon Cinema was badly damaged in a fire in 1977. It reopened and was later converted into a three screen complex in the 1980s. The Curzon Cinema closed in 1999 and was demolished in 2003.

In July 1998, a planning application was submitted (Z/1998/0594) proposing a retail, restaurant and residential development.

In June 2000, Carrablagh Ltd submitted a planning application (Z/2000/1527/F) proposing the demolition of existing retail units and cinema, construction of mixed use development consisting of 59 apartments, garden, 3200 sq ft retail and associated car parking. This application was approved in April 2001. The Curzon Cinema was then demolished in 2003.

In June 2003, Carrablagh Limited submitted a planning application (Z/2003/1419/F) proposing a mixed use development consisting of 5 no. retail units and 49 residential units (13 apartments + 36 duplex units). This application was approved in April 2004.

In November 2005, Kevin Watson Construction Ltd submitted a planning application (Z/2005/2531/F) proposing a mixed use development of 6 retail units on the ground floor and 55 two bedroom apartments, with associated parking at basement and ground floor level. This application was approved in December 2006.

In December 2007, Kevin Watson Construction Ltd submitted a planning application (Z/2007/2984/F) proposing a mixed use development of 6 no. retail units on the ground floor and 61no apartments (56 no 2 bedroom and 5 no1 bedroom) together with basement/ground floor car parking and associated internal landscaped courtyard. This application was approved in January 2009.

In July 2008, Bank of Ireland submitted a planning application (Z/2008/1502/F) proposing the change of use from commercial units to financial and professional services and alteration to shop front to

include relocation of entrance position. This application was apporved in June 2009.

In October 2022, Henry Johnston submitted a planning application (LA04/2022/2280/F) proposing change of use from bank to retail and sub-division into 3 retail units and associated new shop fronts. This application was withdrawn in May 2023.

In April 2023, Henry Johnston submitted a planning application (LA04/2023/3130/F) proposing change of use from bank to restaurant and sub-division of premises into 3 restaurant units and associated new shopfronts. This application was approved in April 2024.

Project Information

Start Date

January 2007

Completion Date

January 2009





Planning References

Project Team


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